Singing Guide: Lenka

Singing Guide: Lenka

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Lenka in 5 Steps

Lenka is a Czech-Australian singer-songwriter known for her unique style in indie pop and folk music. Her distinctive, sweet sounding voice has made her popular among music enthusiasts around the world.

In this article, you will learn how to sing like Lenka in just five steps. We will help you identify her singing style and guide you through using Singing Carrots resources to improve your technique.

Step 1: Analyze Your Voice

The first step to singing like Lenka is to identify your vocal type. Knowing your vocal range and voice type can help you choose the right songs and training exercises for your voice. Test your vocal range and voice type by taking the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test and read the Voice Types article to learn more.

Step 2: Master Your Breathing and Support

Lenka's singing style is characterized by a soft and clean sound. It requires precise control of breathing and support. The Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles are perfect for mastering these essential skills.

Step 3: Perfect Your Diction and Pronunciation

Lenka's voice is incredibly clear and well-articulated. In order to achieve this level of clarity, you should work on your articulation and diction with the Articulation exercises.

Step 4: Focus on Pitch Accuracy and Control

Pitch accuracy and control are critical for singing like Lenka. Work on refining your pitch with Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test and Pitch Training exercises which will help you develop your range and improve your accuracy.

Step 5: Sing Songs that Suit Your Style

Now that you have developed your breathing, diction, and pitch control, it's time to turn your focus to Lenka's specific vocal style and the songs showcasing it. Explore her discography and try practicing some of her most popular songs like “The Show,” “Trouble Is a Friend,” or “Everything At Once.” You can also find out more about her unique style in the Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting article.


Learning to sing like Lenka takes time and dedication. By analyzing your voice, improving your breathing, diction, and pitch accuracy, and focusing on Lenka's specific vocal style, you can enhance your singing and bring your own personality into your performances. Singing Carrots' resources like the Vocal Pitch Monitor, Song search, Vocal ranges, and educational course of Singing for Beginners can significantly improve your singing abilities. Good luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.