Singing Guide: Leap!

Singing Guide: Leap!

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like the legendary Aretha Franklin, it's essential to understand her unique vocal technique. Aretha's voice was renowned for its power and soulful grit. To achieve a similar sound, you must learn how to harness the power of your diaphragm to produce a rich, resonant tone.

One song that showcases Aretha's vocal technique beautifully is "Respect." In this song, she displays her impressive vocal range and powerful delivery. To sing this song like Aretha, begin by warming up your voice, focusing on your breathing technique, and relaxing your neck and shoulders. Then, try to match Aretha's rich tone and powerful delivery as closely as possible.

To improve your diaphragmatic breathing and vocal control, try out Singing Carrot's range of vocal exercises, such as the Farinelli breathing exercise. This exercise helps you develop breath control by teaching you how to extend your exhalation and control your breathing tempo. Additionally, the vocal range test on Singing Carrots can help you identify your vocal range and type, which will allow you to select songs that suit your range and help you improve your vocal skills.

To improve your overall vocal technique and performance, you can take Singing Carrot's singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips and focuses on building a strong foundation for singing. You can also browse Singing Carrot's collection of articles, which cover topics such as vocal registers, resonance, articulation and singing with emotion.

With Singing Carrot's resources and some practice, you can start developing vocal skills that will help you sing like Aretha and make a mark as a talented and soulful singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.