Singing Guide: Lauv

Singing Guide: Lauv

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lauv is a singer and songwriter known for his emotionally charged, electro-pop ballads. His music invokes feelings of vulnerability, love, and heartbreak. In this article, we will explore Lauv's unique style and vocal technique, as well as offer practical tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you master it.

One thing that sets Lauv apart from other pop artists is his use of falsetto. Falsetto is a technique that produces a lighter, airy sound by lengthening the vocal cords. Lauv often employs this technique to create a dreamy, ethereal sound in his music. Notable songs that showcase this technique are "I Like Me Better" and "Paris in the Rain." To master his unique vocal style, it's important to practice falsetto regularly.

Another key element of Lauv's vocal style is his use of vibrato. Vibrato is a subtle pitch variation that adds warmth and texture to singing. Lauv often employs this technique to add emotion to his music. An excellent resource for learning vibrato is the "Singing with Vibrato" article on Singing Carrots. You can also practice vibrato with the "Beggar's Bounce" and "Diaphragm Bounce" videos in the resources section.

Lauv also has excellent breath control, which adds to the emotional depth of his music. Proper breathing technique is crucial for producing a clean and powerful sound. Singing Carrots offers numerous resources for learning proper breathing technique, including the "Breathing basics" and "Breath support" articles. Practicing good posture is also vital for proper breathing. Check out the "How posture affects your singing" article and "Good Singing Posture" video in the resources section.

To truly learn how to sing like Lauv, it's important to learn some of his most popular songs. Singing Carrots offers a "Song search" tool that allows you to find songs that fit your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. You can also create a performance set with the "Song-book" tool, which provides linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, and karaoke tracks.

In conclusion, Lauv's unique vocal style and emotive sound has made him a chart-topping artist. By practicing falsetto, vibrato, proper breathing technique, and learning some of his most popular songs, you can begin to master his vocal style. Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources to aid you in your singing journey. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.