Singing Guide: Kwabs

Singing Guide: Kwabs

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kwabs is a British singer whose powerful voice has been described as "rich" and "soulful". To learn to sing like him, it helps to understand his unique vocal style and incorporate similar techniques into your own practice regimen. One particular technique that Kwabs emphasizes is the use of vibrato to create a more emotive sound.

To begin, it is important to develop good breath support, as this is the foundation of any successful vocal technique. You can do this by taking our breathing basics course or Farinelli breathing exercise. Once you've developed good breath support, you can start practicing different types of vibrato. Check out our vibrato video exercises to get started.

Another important aspect of Kwabs' vocal style is his use of dynamics, or changes in volume. To create this effect in your own singing, you may want to experiment with different types of breath control. You can use our breath control and support exercise to develop the necessary control to achieve a more dynamic sound.

When you're ready to start singing specific Kwabs songs, start with tracks like "Walk" and "Saved". These songs showcase Kwabs' vocal range and unique tone. Another good option is "Fight For Love", a song that features Kwabs' signature vibrato and showcases his ability to sing with emotion.

As you practice and improve, you can monitor your progress using our progress statistics tool, which tracks your singing improvement over time. And don't forget to check out our complete singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips to help you become a better singer overall.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.