Singing Guide: Krewella

Singing Guide: Krewella

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Krewella - An Inspiration to Learn Singing

Krewella is an American electronic dance music duo that inspired many upcoming musicians to experiment with their voice. Yasmine and Jahan, the two sisters behind the Krewella, have a unique vocal technique that blends well with EDM beats. They have delivered hits like Alive, Enjoy the Ride, Live for the Night, and many more, showcasing their vocal agility and falsetto notes. In this article, we will discuss how you can learn singing like Krewella using practical advice and Singing Carrots resources.

Analyzing Your Voice

Before you start practicing, you must analyze your voice for pitch accuracy, vocal range, and type. Do the Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test on Singing Carrots. Match your results with Yasmine and Jahan's vocal range and pitch to find your closest match.

Breathing and Warm-up Exercises

Breathing and warm-up exercises are crucial to avoid vocal damage and improve stability. Do the Farinelli Breathing Video exercise to enhance your breath control, Sustain Vocal video for sustaining breath, and 3-minute Warm-up video for supporting your voice.

Active Breathing and Breath Support

To sing along the EDM beats, you need to develop active breathing and breath support techniques. Read the Active and Passive Breathing, and Breath Support articles to learn more about the correct way of breathing and supporting the voice.

Articulation and Open Mouth

To sing fast-paced lyrics, you need to articulate the words precisely and open your mouth. Read the Articulation and Why to Open Mouth and Throat While Singing articles to understand how articulation, mouth, and throat positions will affect your vocals.

Pop/Jazz Vs. Classical Singing

Krewella's vocal style is classified under Pop/Jazz singing. Read the difference between Pop/Jazz Vs. Classical Singing to grasp the differences and align your singing techniques.

Song Practice - Learning 'Alive' by Krewella

Learning a song by the artist you want to emulate is vital in identifying the style and vocal range of the singer. We recommend practicing 'Alive' by Krewella to understand how to maintain a consistent pitch and use falsetto notes. Learn how to learn a song effectively to make the most of your singing practice.

Vocal Registers - Mixed Voice, Twang, and Belting

Vocal registers like mixed voice, twang, and belting are essential in replicating Krewella's vocal style. Watch the Sing Comfort Zone video to identify Chest Voice, and Voice Break video to understand mixed voice and falsetto voice techniques. Then watch the How to Twang Video and Contemporary Vocal Techniques articles to understand how to incorporate twang and belting into your singing.

In conclusion, learning how to sing like Krewella involves analyzing your voice, developing breath support, and incorporating vocal registers and techniques. Using the recommendations provided in this article and Singing Carrots' tools like Pitch Training and Vocal Pitch Monitor, you can practice and improve your vocal ability. Start by understanding the basics and practicing regularly, and who knows, you might inspire others to learn to sing like Krewella.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.