Singing Guide: Korn

Singing Guide: Korn

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Korn is an American nu-metal band that revolutionized the music industry with their unique sound and style. Their music blends heavy metal, grunge, and hip-hop, and their frontman, Jonathan Davis, is noted for his use of multi-octave screaming and his signature growling vocal technique.

To learn singing like Jonathan Davis, first, it is essential to master the growling technique. The best way to develop the growling technique is by practicing the vocal distortion exercises. The vocal distortion article from Singing Carrots provides an in-depth guide to vocal distortion, including intense growling techniques mentioned in Korn's music.

Once you feel comfortable with growling, you can move on to perfecting chest voice. Chest voice is the dominant register that Jonathan Davis utilizes in his singing, particularly when singing low. Check out the Singing Comfort Zone video, which will teach you how to explore your chest voice.

Another important technique to incorporate into your singing is the use of nasality. In his music, Jonathan Davis uses nasality to achieve a particular emotional resonance. The Stop Sounding Nasal video and the Soft Palate video will teach you how to use your nose when you sing.

Finally, the article Singing with Vibrato will be helpful to learn how to develop a rich and authentic tone like Jonathan Davis.

To put your new learned skills into practice, you can test your vocal range with Singing Carrots' vocal range test. Choose songs that fit your vocal range, and practice singing them while imitating Jonathan Davis's vocal techniques. Search for fitting Korn songs using the search songs tool, which will suggest songs that match your range, genre preference, and difficulty level.

To sum up, if you want to learn how to sing like Jonathan Davis, focus on mastering the growling, chest voice, nasality, and vibrato vocal techniques. Use practical advice from Singing Carrots, and don't forget to practice with their tools and resources.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.