Singing Guide: Kane Brown

Singing Guide: Kane Brown

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kane Brown's Singing Style

Breath Support

Breath support is one of the most essential aspects of Kane Brown's singing. His low timbre requires that he sings from his diaphragm with control. When singing, he uses his stomach muscles to provide strong airflow while keeping his vocal cords relaxed and tension-free. Brown states that building up his breath support and control has been a significant factor in his vocal development.

Pitch Accuracy

Kane Brown has immaculate pitch accuracy and control, and his ability to hit notes with ease is truly remarkable. He credits his pitch accuracy to continuous practice, vocal warm-ups, and his collaboration with vocal coach Rachel Brice. Kane Brown is constantly reviewing his performance, trying to catch missed notes, and then working on strengthening those areas.


One of Kane Brown's signature styles is his ability to craft and shape phrases uniquely. He uses his lower register to create a smooth, seductive melody that ignores boundaries and effortlessly blends genres. He sings with intention, really putting himself in the mindset of his music.


Another unique aspect of Kane Brown's signature style is vibrato. He has a strong, controlled vibrato that adds depth and emotion to his singing. Vibrato is a tricky technique, but with practice and guidance from a vocal instructor and lots of exercise, anyone can learn and perfect it. Singing Carrots' tutorials provide beneficial exercises like 'Beggars Bounce' to improve vibrato.

Popular Kane Brown Songs:

  • Heaven
  • What Ifs
  • Good As You
  • Homesick
  • Be Like That
  • Worship You

If you want to learn to sing like Kane Brown, check out Singing Carrots' educational courses and tools. The vocal range test and pitch accuracy test can help you find your optimal singing range and improve your pitch control. Singing Carrots' pitch training games, which aids in building muscle memory, accuracy, and ear training specific to singing. They also offer a complete singing course to help beginners build a strong foundation and show how to sing with the right techniques.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.