Singing Guide: Juice WRLD

Singing Guide: Juice WRLD

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Juice WRLD was an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. He was known for his distinctive style of emotive and melodic if somewhat dark songwriting that incorporated elements of emo, rock, and trap.

Despite his short career, Juice WRLD had a lasting impact on the music industry with his unique sound that resonated with his fans and a new generation of musicians that followed in his footsteps.

If you want to learn how to sing like Juice WRLD, there are several things you can do:

  1. Analyze your voice: Before you start to sing like Juice WRLD, it is important to know your vocal range. Take the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test to determine your range and compare it with that of Juice WRLD.
  2. Embrace your emotions and personal style: Juice WRLD was a very emotive singer, and his songs largely revolve around themes of love and heartbreak. So, if you want to sing like Juice WRLD, it is important to put your emotions into your singing.
  3. Practice warm-up exercises: Proper breathing and warm-up exercises are essential to improve your singing. Try the Farinelli Breathing exercise as a great starting point.
  4. Focus on vocal control: Juice WRLD was known for his melodic singing, and had excellent pitch accuracy. Take the Singing Carrots Pitch Accuracy Test to assess your pitch accuracy and use the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to improve it further.
  5. Experiment with different vocal techniques: Juice WRLD used various vocal techniques like vocal fry, vibrato, and falsetto in his songs. Use Singing Carrots resources such as contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting and Singing with Vibrato articles and videos on vibrato to learn these techniques.
  6. Choose the right songs to showcase your skills: If you want to showcase your singing skills, it's important to choose songs that match your vocal range, and that highlight your unique vocal style. Use the Singing Carrots Song Search to find songs that work best for you.

By following these steps and practicing consistently over time, you can learn how to sing like Juice WRLD, and develop your own signature vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.