Singing Guide: Johnnie & Jack

Singing Guide: Johnnie & Jack

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Johnnie Wright and Jack Anglin were one of the most successful country duos of the 1950s. Known for their distinctive two-part harmonies, they achieved significant commercial success and helped define country music's classic era. Both members had unique vocal techniques.

Johnnie Wright had a high-pitched tenor voice that contrasted well with Jack Anglin’s deeper baritone. They relied heavily on their distinctive harmonization to create an emotional and powerful sound in their music. One noteworthy examples of this is in the song “Ashes of Love”, where Johnnie sings the high melody while Jack sings the lower harmony.

To learn how to sing like Johnnie Wright and Jack Anglin, it’s important to focus on vocal harmony and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots provides a number of useful tools for developing these skills.

To begin with, take the vocal range and pitch accuracy tests to determine your starting point. Once you have a better sense of your vocal range and pitch accuracy, try using the vocal pitch monitor to see your sung notes on a virtual piano. This can help you see where you might need to work on your pitch accuracy.

From there, explore Singing Carrots’ pitch training section. Utilize vocal warm-ups and exercises to work on your range, agility, and pitch accuracy. Specifically, focus on their interactive educational game “Pitch Training” to help train your ear and improve your vocal pitch accuracy.

To really understand vocal harmony and how Johnnie Wright and Jack Anglin used it, search for songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Listen to their music and study how they harmonize.

Finally, be sure to follow the guidelines for good vocal health to help maintain your voice over time. Enroll in the Singing Carrots’ singing course if you want to learn the fundamental concepts of singing theory and practical tips. Also, make sure to maintain healthy habits such as hydration, healthy diet, avoiding smoking, taking proper voice breaks, and vocal warm-up exercises before any practice or performance.

By focusing on vocal harmony, pitch accuracy, and general vocal health, you can learn how to sing like Johnnie Wright and Jack Anglin and develop your own unique and powerful singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.