Singing Guide: James

Singing Guide: James

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning To Sing Like James


James is a highly accomplished singer known for his range, strong falsetto, and unique style. He is famous for his ability to hit high notes without straining his voice, and his frequent use of improvisation and ad-libs in his songs. This article will provide tips on how to learn to sing like James with Singing Carrots resources.

Vocal Technique

James is known for his falsetto, which he uses frequently in his songs. The falsetto allows James to achieve a higher range of notes without straining his voice. One can develop this vocal technique by using Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test. Both tests allow one to assess their vocal range and pitch accuracy, respectively, which are critical in achieving the falsetto. Additionally, Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor can help with visualizing and practicing hitting high notes.

James has excellent breath control, which is necessary for singing high notes. One can improve their breath control by using Singing Carrots' breathing basics, breath support, and warm-up exercises. James also uses various vocal registers effectively, such as full voice, head voice, and falsetto. One can learn to use these registers effectively by understanding voice registers and vocal break.


James is unique in his improvisation and ad-lib skills, which add a complementary element to his songs. One can develop these skills by using Singing Carrots' pitch training, where one can practice improvising to different chord progressions. Singing Carrots' song search and song-book features can aid in selecting songs that are suitable for practicing improvisation and ad-libbing skills.

Influential Songs

James is famous for his rendition of "At Last" by Etta James, which showcases his falsetto and improvisation skills. Another great song to practice James' vocal technique is "Fallin" by Alicia Keys, which allows one to practice their breath control and head voice. Both songs can be found through Singing Carrots' song search.


By using Singing Carrots' resources, one can develop their falsetto, breath control, and vocal registers to sing like James. Additionally, practicing improvisation and ad-libbing skills can make one's style unique and complementary and practicing with suitable songs can aid in vocal development overall.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.