Singing Guide: Jain

Singing Guide: Jain

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Jain

Jain is a French singer-songwriter renowned for her unique vocal style that blends pop, electronic and reggae music. Her music has touched the hearts of many with its powerful message of unity and love and her voice has become her signature. In this article, we will explore some tips on how to learn singing like Jain.

1. Analyze Your Voice

Before you start training to sing like Jain, you need to know your voice type. Take our Vocal Range Test to determine your voice type and better understand your vocal capabilities.

2. Breathing Basics

For any singer, breathing is an essential element. It's a basic foundation for good posture, support, and tone. Jain sings with the help of her breath, emphasizing her voice and adding power to her notes. Learn breathing basics in our Breathing Basics article to better understand how to control your breath when singing.

3. Mix Voice & Vocal Break

Jain's vocals are distinct because she mixes a number of different vocal registers. Understanding the Voice Registers & Vocal Break can help improve your understanding of the singing technique. Learn how to practice and master mixed voice in our Mixed Voice and Voice Break videos.

4. Twanging Technique

Twanging technique is an essential part of Jain's style. It is a type of coordination where a singer uses the pharyngeal muscles to create resonant sounds. Explore how to develop your own twang in our How to Twang Exercise video.

5. Vibrato Technique

Another important element in Jain's technique is Vibrato. It can add flavor to a tone and bring freshness to the song. Learn to develop your own vibrato through our tutorial videos on Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.

6. Song Choice

Singing a song that perfectly matches your voice type is extremely important. You can find songs in your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference our Song Search tool. Also, explore Jain's songs and choose the ones that suit your voice.

7. Open Mouth and Throat

One of the essential aspects that Jain incorporates in her singing technique is the opening of her mouth and throat. Understand why it's crucial and how to approach that on our Open Mouth & Throat article.

8. Warm-Up Exercises

Warm-up is an essential part of any singer's routine. Learn how to start your routine with our Farinelli Breathing, Humming, and 3 Minute Warm Up videos.

9. Performance Techniques

Jain's vocal technique is a perfect blend of skills, emotion, and performance. Understand how you can become a versatile singer with our Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article. Also, watch our Relaxing Breath and Stage Tips videos to enhance your performance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.