Singing Guide: JP Cooper

Singing Guide: JP Cooper

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learn to Sing Like JP Cooper

JP Cooper is a British singer, songwriter and musician. JP Cooper has a unique vocal technique, characterized by a falsetto mixed with his chest voice, which gives his voice an emotional and soulful edge that appeals to a wide audience. In this article we will explore some of the key techniques that JP Cooper uses in his singing, and look at some of his most popular songs that showcase these techniques. We will also provide practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources that will help you improve your singing in the style of JP Cooper.

Falsetto and Chest Voice

One of the key techniques that JP Cooper uses in his singing is a falsetto mixed with chest voice. This technique allows him to sing with a high and emotional tone that is unique and appealing to his audience. To achieve this vocal technique, it is important to develop your falsetto and combine it with your chest voice. One way to improve your falsetto is to work on your vocal range and practice exercises that help you reach higher notes.

Songs Showcasing JP Cooper's Vocal Technique

Here are some of JP Cooper's most popular songs that showcase his unique vocal technique:

  • September Song - This song features Cooper's high falsetto mixed with chest voice, and is a great example of his emotional and soulful singing style.
  • Passport Home - Another song that showcases Cooper's falsetto mixed with chest voice. This song is a great example of his ability to evoke emotions through his singing style.
  • The Reason Why - This song is a great showcase of Cooper's vocal range and ability to sing both in chest voice and falsetto.

Practical Advice to Sing Like JP Cooper

Here are some practical tips and Singing Carrots resources that will help you improve your singing in the style of JP Cooper:


Learning to sing like JP Cooper requires a combination of falsetto and chest voice, emotional depth, and a good sense of rhythm. By working on your vocal range, breathing technique, and falsetto and chest voice exercises, you can improve your singing in the style of JP Cooper. Use Singing Carrots' resources to develop your singing skills and discover your own unique voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.