Singing Guide: Incubus

Singing Guide: Incubus

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Incubus: Tips for Singing Like Brandon Boyd

Incubus is one of the most famous artists in alternative rock with numerous hits and accolades. The band, hailing from California, has a unique sound that spans across the rock genres with influences from funk, jazz, and metal. The lead singer of Incubus, Brandon Boyd, has an exceptional vocal range and versatility that enables him to deliver their intricate sound. In this article, we explore tips and techniques for learning to sing like Incubus, with a focus on Brandon Boyd’s unique vocal style.

Identify Your Vocal Range

It is essential to know your vocal range before beginning to learn how to sing like Brandon Boyd. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that compares your range with famous vocalists, which is an excellent starting point to help you understand your strengths and limitations.

Master the Chest Voice Technique

Brandon Boyd’s singing style features a powerful chest voice technique, which emphasizes vocal weight and depth. This technique gives his voice a distinct resonance, making it stand out in the mix and creating a signature sound that his fans adore. Singing Carrots provides an insightful video on chest voice explained, which gives you the basics of the technique.

Practice Falsetto

Falsetto is a crucial technique in Brandon Boyd’s singing style, enhancing the emotional part of his songs. He often incorporates falsetto to produce accessible high notes. Singing Carrots has an interesting exercise on mixed voice, which can help you achieve a falsetto sound while maintaining your chest voice.

Experiment With Vibrato

Boyd is an accomplished singer who often uses vibrato in his performances to give his notes a unique fluttery effect. Singing Carrots offers a detailed analysis of singing with vibrato, which can be a great reference when training your voice to achieve vibrato.

Listen and Learn

To learn to sing like Brandon Boyd, it is essential to listen and learn from his popular songs. Look for indicators on when he switches from chest voice to falsetto, and try to identify his vibrato technique to master your performance.

Relevant Singing Carrots Resources to Try

  • Singing Course for Beginners - This is a beginner-friendly program that teaches you theoretical concepts and practical techniques that can come in handy when learning how to sing like Brandon Boyd.
  • Pitch Training Game - Improve your pitch accuracy and singing skills with the help of the Singing Carrots game.
  • Songs by Vocal Range - If you are looking for songs that suit your vocal range, Singing Carrots’ database makes your search easy.
  • Vocal health Blog - Learn how to protect and maintain your voice for optimal performance.


Learning to sing like Brandon Boyd is a challenging endeavor, but Singing Carrots’ resources can act as an excellent starting point. Follow the tips on mastering chest voice, falsetto, and vibrato while listening and experimenting with Incubus’s songs. Besides, don't forget to check out the various Singing Carrots resources available to help you perfect your singing skills.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.