Singing Guide: Hozier

Singing Guide: Hozier

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Hozier has amassed a loyal following with his bluesy, soulful voice and emotive songwriting style. He's definitely a singer worth studying and emulating. One of Hozierโ€™s most unique traits is his ability to mix genres such as blues, gospel and rock, and his ability to invoke huge amounts of passion into his performances is something all aspiring singers should take note of.

Hozier's Vocal Technique

The biggest reason why Hozier stands out is his incredible voice. His voice is strong, rich, and powerful, and his style often involves powerful, chesty notes that seem to come straight from the soul. To sing like Hozier, you'll need to work on developing your chest voice and building your vocal range. Start with Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your range and identify areas you need to strengthen. Then, check out Singing Carrots' vocal training exercises to strengthen your chest voice, head voice, and mix.

Hozier is also well-known for his use of complex rhythms and timings, and his ability to move seamlessly between registers. To achieve this, work on exercises that help you transition between different vocal registers, from chest to head and back. The Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test is an excellent resource for honing your recognition and singing of different rhythms.

Hozier's Songs

Hozier has a wide range of songs in his repertoire, ranging from soulful ballads to upbeat indie-rock tracks to bluesy gospel. Here are some of his most popular songs that showcase his unique style:

  • Take Me to Church
  • Jackie and Wilson
  • Cherry Wine
  • To Be Alone
  • Like Real People Do

Practical Advice

To truly sing like Hozier, you'll need to develop a strong technique and put in the time and effort to perfect your vocal style. Here are some practical tips to help get you started:

  • Consistent practice is key. Try to practice singing every day and work on exercises to improve your range and technique.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles and genres. Hozier's music is well-known for blending different styles, so try to incorporate different styles into your own singing.
  • Learn from the best. Listen to Hozier's singing and try to emulate his style. Also, Singing Carrots has a lot of resources that can help you improve your technique and style, so make use of them.
  • Keep a journal of your progress. Monitor your progress by keeping a journal, tracking your vocal range, and taking note of improvements over time.

With consistent practice and focus, you'll be able to develop a style that emulates Hozier and showcases your own unique voice. For additional resources and training, check out Singing Carrots' vocal training exercises and singing courses. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.