Singing Guide: Hooverphonic

Singing Guide: Hooverphonic

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Hooverphonic is a Belgian band that's known for its dark and moody sound. It's a unique mix of trip-hop, indie rock, and electronica that's made them a favorite among critics and fans alike.

One of the most distinctive elements of Hooverphonic's music is the ethereal vocals of lead singer Geike Arnaert. Her voice has a haunting quality that perfectly complements the band's atmospheric soundscapes. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to sing like Geike Arnaert and explore some of her most iconic songs.

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of vocal technique, and Geike Arnaert's breathy style is no exception. To achieve this effect, it's important to focus on diaphragmatic breathing. That is, drawing air deep into the lungs by pushing the diaphragm downward and allowing the ribs to expand fully. Good posture is essential for this technique, so make sure you're standing up straight with your shoulders relaxed.

Hooverphonic's music often features long sustained notes, so developing good breath support is crucial. To strengthen your breath support, you can try exercises like the Farinelli breathing technique or the sustain vocal exercise. These exercises will help you build the stamina you need to hold those sustained notes.

Geike Arnaert's voice has a distinctive quality that's often described as ethereal or ghostly. To achieve this effect, it's important to focus on singing with an open throat. In other words, avoid constricting your throat muscles while singing and allow your vocal cords to resonate freely. Singing with an open mouth can also help you achieve this effect.

Hooverphonic's music often features a mix of chest and head voice, and Geike Arnaert's vocal technique emphasizes a light head voice. To practice this technique, you can try the singing comfort zone exercise or the chest voice explained exercise to balance chest and head voice. This will help you achieve the range and flexibility you need to emulate Geike Arnaert's vocal style.

Finally, to fully immerse yourself in Hooverphonic's music, Singing Carrots offers several resources. You can use the Singing Carrots song search feature to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences. You can also use the artist vocal ranges tool to find Hooverphonic's vocal range. For a more in-depth education, you may want to check out the Singing Carrots vocal course.

In conclusion, capturing the essence of Geike Arnaert's vocal style requires a focus on diaphragmatic breathing, breath support, singing with an open throat, and balancing chest and head voice. It's a unique blend of vocal techniques that's perfectly suited for Hooverphonic's atmospheric soundscapes. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.