Singing Guide: Heather Headley

Singing Guide: Heather Headley

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Heather Headley

If you're a fan of Heather Headley, you're probably familiar with her powerful and soulful voice. With her unique vocal technique, Heather has captured the hearts of many people across the world. But how can you learn to sing like her? In this article, we'll take a closer look at Heather's vocal style and provide you with practical steps to help you develop vocal skills so that you can sing like this gifted singer.

Heather Headley's Unique Vocal Technique

One of the most distinguishing features of Heather's voice is her impeccable pitch accuracy. Heather seldom misses any of the notes in her songs, even when dealing with some of the toughest runs and riffs. Additionally, she has a powerful voice that is full of soul and emotion, making her a perfect fit for both soulful ballads and power-pop anthems. Heather is also known for her remarkable breath control that allows her to sustain notes as if she's holding her breath effortlessly.

Developing Vocal Skills Like Heather Headley

If you want to learn to sing like Heather, you need to focus on developing your vocal skills. Below are some practical tips and relevant tools that can help you develop vocal skills.

1. Vocal warm-ups and exercises

A range of vocal warm-up and exercise programs can help you improve your vocal range, pitch, and breath control. Check out our interactive Vocal Warm-up and Exercise for Beginners, which features practical singing exercises accompanied by customizable virtual instruments.

2. Use the Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range

The Vocal Range Test will help you identify your vocal strengths and limitations. It can help you determine the parts of your voice where you need to focus your practice and which songs you should sing.

3. Make use of Pitch Training resources

If your area of focus is pitch accuracy, pitch training resources are a good way to improve. Use our Pitch Visualizer and Ear Training Game, which can develop your relative pitch and sight-singing skills.

4. Practice your selected songs like Heather Headley

When learning to sing like Heather, select her songs as they will help you refine and develop your voice to sound like her. Practice singing along to her songs with a pitch monitor to build confidence.

5. Learn from the experts

Our online singing course provides a robust curriculum that covers everything from the basics of singing to advanced techniques for developing your own unique style. Additionally, we have numerous blog posts on various aspects of singing, such as posture, breathing, and vocal health.

Heather Headley songs to sing for practice

Here are some Heather Headley songs that you may want to try singing while using the Singing Carrots Platform:

  • In My Mind
  • He Is
  • I Wish I Wasn't
  • A Whole New World


Learning to sing like Heather Headley requires practice, perseverance, and the right tools and resources. With the above tips and using the Singing Carrots platform, you can develop your voice to sound like hers. Remember to never give up and keep practicing to achieve the best results. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.