Singing Guide: Haim

Singing Guide: Haim

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Haim: The Masterclass

If you're a fan of Haim's signature blend of indie rock, pop and R&B, you might have wondered how you, too, can achieve that sound while singing. In this article, we'll delve into the techniques that Haim uses that set them apart from other vocalists and incorporate Singing Carrots resources that you can use to hone your own vocals.

Staccato Singing

One of the most distinctive characteristics of Haim's singing is their use of staccato, a technique where each note is sung deliberately and distinctly. This type of singing can take some getting used to but is crucial in achieving Haim's unique sound. To improve your staccato singing, you can practice using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training educational singing game.


Haim's three-part harmonies require the use of falsetto, which is when a singer sings in a higher register than their normal speaking voice. Falsetto can be a challenging technique to master, but it is one of the most effective ways to add depth and complexity to your vocal performance. To learn how to use your falsetto voice, Singing Carrots also has a Pitch Training exercise called "Chest Voice Explained" that can help.

Breathing Techniques

Proper breathing techniques are critical for singing staccato and falsetto notes. Singing Carrots has many exercises and articles on this subject. We recommend starting with the Farinelli Breathing exercise and the Breath Support and Respiration article.

Practice Singing with Vocal Warm-Ups

To warm up and stretch your voice effectively, Singing Carrots' 3 Minute Warm Up exercise is perfect.

Songs to Help You Learn

Now that we've covered some of Haim's techniques, it's time to practice. We recommend starting with "Don't Wanna," "The Wire," and "Want You Back" as they showcase Haim's signature vocal blend. Singing Carrots' vocal range test and song search tools are an excellent way to find other Haim songs that you can try based on your vocal range and genre preference.

By using these techniques and Singing Carrots' resources, anyone can learn how to sing like Haim. It takes practice and patience, but once you master these techniques, you'll be harmonizing like the Haim sisters themselves.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.