Singing Guide: Gretta Ray

Singing Guide: Gretta Ray

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Gretta Ray

Gretta Ray is an Australian singer-songwriter who rose to fame in 2016 by winning the Triple J Unearthed High competition. Her unique style of indie-pop incorporates elements of folk and alternative music, and her lyrics are known for their poetic and introspective nature.

If you're a fan of Gretta Ray's music, you might be wondering how you can learn to sing like her. In this article, we'll explore some of the techniques she uses to create her signature sound, and we'll provide some Singing Carrots resources to help you improve your own singing.

Vocal Technique

One of the things that makes Gretta Ray's voice stand out is her use of falsetto, a technique where the vocal cords are lengthened and the voice is raised higher than the natural range. This creates a breathy, ethereal sound that is commonly used in indie and alternative music.

To practice your falsetto technique, we recommend checking out Singing Carrot's "Pitch Training" program, which includes interactive exercises and warmups to help you develop your vocal range and control.

Gretta Ray also uses vibrato, a technique where the voice fluctuates in pitch to create a more expressive, emotive sound. Singing Carrots has a helpful article on how to sing with vibrato and a video exercise for developing vibrato technique.

Song Selection

When practicing your singing, it's important to choose songs that showcase your unique vocal style and challenges your abilities. Gretta Ray's music often features intricate melodies and complex lyrics, so selecting songs that challenge your pitch accuracy and diction can help you improve your skills.

Singing Carrots' Search songs by vocal range feature can help you find songs that match your range and difficulty level, so you can find the perfect song to practice your singing skills.

Practical Advice

To become a better singer, it's essential to develop good breathing techniques, posture, and articulation. Singing Carrots has several helpful articles and videos on these topics, which include:

It's also essential to develop good vocal health practices to prevent damage and maintain the longevity of your singing voice. Singing Carrots' vocal health article provides some useful tips on how to maintain good vocal health.


If you're looking to learn to sing like Gretta Ray, the key is to develop your falsetto and vibrato techniques while choosing songs that challenge your skills and developing good breathing, posture, and articulation habits. With the help of these practical tips and resources from Singing Carrots, you'll be on your way to improving your singing skills and finding your unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.