Singing Guide: Grammatrain

Singing Guide: Grammatrain

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Grammatrain is a rock band from the USA that was active from the early 90s to the early 2000s. They were known for their alternative sound that incorporated elements of grunge, hard rock, and heavy metal. Here's how you can learn to sing like Grammatrain:

Vocal Technique

  • Grammatrain's sound is characterized by the use of powerful and gritty vocals, often combined with intense screaming and growling. To achieve this sound, it's important to develop a strong diaphragm and breath control. Singers can improve their diaphragm control through exercises like Farinelli breathing and sustained vocal.
  • Another important aspect of Grammatrain's vocal style is their use of vocal distortion techniques such as growling. Check out Singing Carrots' video on vocal distortion & growling for some helpful tips on how to incorporate this technique into your singing.
  • Grammatrain often use open and relaxed vowels to create a powerful and resonant sound. Singers can learn more about resonant singing in this Singing Carrots article on vocal resonance and the importance of opening mouth and throat while singing in this Singing Carrots article.

Song Selection

  • To practice singing like Grammatrain, consider selecting songs that showcase their vocal style. Some notable songs to consider include "Execution", "Jonah", and "Believe". Listen to the songs closely and pay attention to how the vocalist techniques are utilized to deliver the sound.
  • Use the singing search function on Singing Carrots to identify songs with similar keys and vocal ranges as those of Grammatrain. You can also adjust the difficulty level according to how comfortable you are with singing.

Other advice and tips

  • To further improve your singing, consider seeking out courses such as Singing Carrots' singing course, which teaches singing theory and practical tips.
  • Always ensure to rest your vocal cords regularly by hydrating and avoiding any substances that may harm your vocal cords. You can also check this Singing Carrots article on vocal healthto know more about taking care of your voice.

With hard work and consistent practice, you too can learn and improve your singing just like Grammatrain's unique sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.