Singing Guide: Genesis

Singing Guide: Genesis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Phil Collins from Genesis

If you're a fan of Phil Collins and his works with Genesis, you're in luck, because learning to sing like Phil Collins is not as challenging as it may seem.

One of Phil’s unique vocal features is his use of falsetto, a voice register that sounds like a weaker tone, similar to a “head voice.” Falsetto is used to reach high-pitched notes that otherwise would be difficult to reach in a natural voice. Phil Collins has a tremendous vocal range, including the ability to jump between falsetto and chest voice, allowing him to sing both high and low notes without changing his singing style.

If you want to sing like Phil Collins, you need to explore your vocal range and find your falsetto. First, try to determine your voice type, so you can understand your vocal range. Then, take Singing Carrots’ vocal range test to find your vocal register and get a comparison with famous singers. It is important to note that Phil's vocal range falls around the tenor level.

Once you have discovered your vocal range, you can begin to practice Phil Collins’ unique vocal techniques. Start by listening to and singing along with "In the Air Tonight," which is a popular song known for Phil's use of falsetto. It's essential to understand how and when to incorporate falsetto within the song’s melody, and "In the Air Tonight" is perfect for practice and experimentation.

Another method for learning Phil Collins' style is by watching live performances, which can be found on YouTube. Analyze how he sings, the manner his mouth moves, and how he uses his entire body to convey the song's emotion. Watching Phil perform will give you a better understanding of how to perform and sing expressively.

Moreover, Singing Carrots Pitch Training is a great tool to practice Phil Collins' style. You can use the pitch visualizer together with the Vocal Pitch Monitor to follow and give feedback on his style's unique properties accurately. In the same vein, Singing Carrots' educational singing course covers vocal techniques, vocal health, and practical tips that can help you become a better singer.

Finally, it's worth highlighting that Phil has numerous successful hits such as "Follow You, Follow Me," "Misunderstanding," and "Mama." Each song showcases Phil's unique vocal technique in their way; hence, practicing each song will broaden your knowledge and singing experience.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Phil Collins is not necessarily an impossible feat. By following the tips shared here and regularly practicing, you can sing songs with similar vocal features to Phil Collins and train to master an influential style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.