Singing Guide: GENTRI

Singing Guide: GENTRI

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

GENTRI, which stands for "The Gentlemen Trio," is an American music group consisting of three tenors: Brad Robins, Casey Elliott, and Bradley Quinn Lever. They are known for their unique blend of cinematic pop and stirring ballads, as well as their inspiring message of hope and positivity. Their music has been featured on several popular TV shows, including The Good Doctor, America's Got Talent, and So You Think You Can Dance.

If you want to learn how to sing like GENTRI, there are a few key elements that you should focus on. First, work on your breath control and support, as GENTRI's music often features sustained, soaring vocals that require a strong foundation of breath control. You can learn more about breath support in this article and try out some breath control exercises in this video.

In addition to breath control, GENTRI's music is characterized by a rich, warm vocal tone that emphasizes good resonance. You can learn more about resonance in this article and improve your own resonance with this vocal range test and pitch accuracy test.

GENTRI's music often features intricate vocal arrangements and harmonies, so it's important to work on your ear training and pitch accuracy. You can practice harmonizing with this Pitch Training game, and improve your pitch accuracy with this video.

Finally, to truly sing like GENTRI, it's important to connect with your material and convey story and emotion through your singing. You can learn more about connecting with your material in this article and practice performing with this relaxing breath exercise.

To get started with some of GENTRI's techniques, try out these exercises:

Some great GENTRI songs to showcase your new skills include "Dare," "Cinema Paradiso," and "Unchained Melody." With practice and dedication, you can learn to sing like GENTRI and take your singing to new heights.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.