Singing Guide: Frances

Singing Guide: Frances

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Frances

Frances is a British singer-songwriter who rose to fame with her debut EP "Grow" in 2015. She has a unique vocal style that showcases her soulful, emotional voice. If you want to learn singing like Frances, here are some tips and resources that will help:

1. Master Your Vocal Control

Frances has excellent vocal control, which allows her to convey emotions effectively. To achieve this, you can practice vocal exercises for breath control, pitch accuracy, and dynamics. Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test and Pitch Accuracy Test can help you get started with evaluating your voice. You can also use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to practice singing along with a virtual piano and perfect your pitch.

2. Practice Resonance Techniques

Frances has a resonance that evokes deep emotions, which is why her voice is so captivating. Singing Carrots’ Resonance in Singing article will provide valuable information to master resonance by opening your mouth, throat, and soft palate wide while singing.

3. Explore Vocal Technique

Frances has a unique singing style, and exploring new vocal techniques can be the first step to learning that style. Singing Carrots’ Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting, Vocal Distortion and Growling articles teach you how to adopt different vocal textures and styles. Singing Carrots offers relevant exercises using skill-related videos where you may find guides to learn Twang and Growling effectively.

4. Practicing Breathing for Singing

Good breath control is essential in singing, and inadequate breathing can negatively affect your voice and delivery. To master breathing techniques, you can practice the Farinelli Breathing Exercise that Singing Carrots offers through the skill-related video section. The Breath Support and Breathing Basics articles also offer invaluable tips for developing effective breathing techniques.

5. Learn How to Sing with Emotions

Frances' music is known for the emotional depth it expresses. If you want to learn how to sing with emotions like Frances, Singing Carrots’ Singing with Intuition Skills and Emotion are articles to guide you to learn how to sing from the heart. Moreover, the Relaxing Breath Skill-based video would strengthen your emotional control and help you deliver songs that evoke emotions.

6. Follow up the Songbook and Progress Statistics

Once you've mastered singing like Frances, you need to keep track of your progress. The Songbook feature on Singing Carrots allows you to create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and audio. It can help you learn more songs and improve your singing skills. Additionally, tracking your progress through the Progress Statistics feature can help you monitor your improvement in the longer term, so you can work on improving specific areas of your voice.

If you want to learn singing like Frances, then these tips and resources are an excellent place to start. With Singing Carrots, you have everything you need to become a great singer like Frances.

- Vocal Range Test:
- Pitch Accuracy Test:
- Vocal Pitch Monitor:
- Contemporary Vocal Techniques:
- Resonance in Singing:

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.