Singing Guide: Foals

Singing Guide: Foals

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Foals is a UK band that has been creating music since 2005. They are known for their unique blend of genres, including indie rock, math rock, and dance-punk.

Frontman Yannis Philippakis is known for his distinctive and powerful voice, which has a high range and an emotional intensity that is captivating and unique.

If you're interested in learning to sing like Yannis, there are a few things you can do to better understand his vocal style and adapt it to your own singing.

  • One thing that stands out about Yannis' singing is his use of falsetto. In many of his songs, he switches between his natural singing voice and falsetto to create a dynamic and expressive sound. To develop your own falsetto, you could try using Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine the range of your natural voice, and then practice moving up the scale into your falsetto range. Additionally, Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test can help you improve your pitch and control when singing in falsetto.
  • Another aspect of Yannis' singing that sets him apart is his ability to sustain high notes with power and emotion. To achieve this in your own singing, it's important to work on breath support and control. Articles like "Breathing basics" and "Breath support" on Singing Carrots can help you better understand the mechanics of breathing and how to use your breath effectively when singing. Exercises like "Sustain Vocal" and "Farinelli Breathing" can also help you develop better breath control and sustain high notes with power.
  • Finally, Yannis' passionate and emotional delivery is a key aspect of his unique singing style. To get better at expressing emotion in your own singing, you might want to explore Singing Carrots' articles on "Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking" and "Tips for performing on stage." Additionally, Singing Carrots' educational singing course provides comprehensive lessons on singing theory and practical tips that can help you develop your own authentic style.

By practicing these techniques and exploring the resources on Singing Carrots, you can develop the skills and vocal range to learn to sing like Yannis Philippakis and apply those techniques to your own unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.