Singing Guide: Floetry

Singing Guide: Floetry

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Floetry: Improving Your Vocal Technique and Harmonizing Skills

Floetry is known for their unique blend of spoken word poetry and neo-soul music. Natalie Stewart and Marsha Ambrosius formed the group in 1999, with their first album, Floetic, released in 2002.

If you want to learn to sing like Floetry, it is important to focus on their smooth vocal technique and soulful harmonizing. One of the signature aspects of their music is their use of spoken-word poetry, so it is also important to work on your spoken-word skills. In order to achieve this type of vocal performance, it is necessary to practice the following:

  1. Utilize Singing Carrots' vocal range test to find your register and range. Floetry's music requires a balanced mixture of smooth lows and belting highs.
  2. Floetry's music has a unique vocal style, which combines soulful belting with spoken word poetry. To achieve this sound in your voice, you must practice controlling your vibrato. See this article on singing with vibrato to improve your vocal style.
  3. Floetry is known for their harmonizing. To improve your harmonizing skills, it's beneficial to practice with pitch accuracy tests. Check out this pitch accuracy test.
  4. Proper breath control is essential to achieve the smooth, soulful sound typical of Floetry's music. Practice breath support and active/passive respiration. Read this article about breathing basics.
  5. Articulation is essential to execute spoken word poetry. Use Singing Carrots' articulation exercises to improve your diction, see articulation exercises article.
  6. Floetry's music is about storytelling and conveying emotions. Sing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking. See this article to improve this skill.

To learn more specifically about spoken-word poetry, check out these Singing Carrots articles:

To practice and apply these techniques, use Singing Carrots' resources:

By following these steps and practicing with Singing Carrots' resources, you can develop a voice and singing style similar to Floetry.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.