Singing Guide: Flobots

Singing Guide: Flobots

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you interested in learning how to sing like Jamie Laurie from Flobots? If so, keep reading! Jamie Laurie has an incredibly unique vocal style that blends spoken word and rap with singing. Here are some tips on how you can learn to sing like him:

  1. Practice your breathing technique. Laurie’s singing style requires a lot of breath control, so make sure you have mastered deep breathing and breath support. You can learn more about breath support and breathing basics through the Singing Carrots articles Breathing basics and Breath support.
  2. Focus on your vocal registers. Laurie often uses a lower register to rap and a higher register to sing. Learn more about vocal registers and the vocal break through the Singing Carrots article Voice registers & vocal break.
  3. Work on your articulation and enunciation. Laurie’s spoken word and rap style require clear and precise articulation. You can learn more about articulation through the Singing Carrots article Articulation and practice with exercises such as the Finger Bite exercise from the Singing Carrots skill-related videos.
  4. Experiment with vibrato. Laurie often uses a subtle vibrato to add emotion and depth to his singing. Learn more about vibrato through the Singing Carrots article Singing with Vibrato and practice the Diaphragm Bounce exercise from the Singing Carrots skill-related videos.
  5. Learn songs that showcase Laurie’s unique style. Songs like "Handlebars" and "Rise" showcase his blend of spoken word, rap, and singing. You can search for songs that match your vocal range and preference through the Singing Carrots Song search tool and create your performance set using the Song-book tool.

By following these tips and utilizing the Singing Carrots resources, you can learn to sing like Jamie Laurie from Flobots. Don't forget to regularly monitor your progress statistics and enroll in the Singing course for a 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips. Best of luck on your singing journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.