Singing Guide: Fantasia Barrino

Singing Guide: Fantasia Barrino

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Fantasia Barrino

Fantasia Barrino is one of the most talented and best-known R&B singers of our time. Her unique vocal style sets her apart from many other R&B singers, and if you're looking to follow in her footsteps and develop a similar style, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Develop Power and Control

Fantasia Barrino is known for her powerhouse vocals, and if you want to sing like her, you'll need to develop some serious control and power. Start by building your breath support - check out the breath support article on Singing Carrots if you need some guidance here. Once you've got a strong foundation, practice hitting high notes with confidence and power. Use the Pitch Training tool on Singing Carrots to help you develop your accuracy and pitch.

Showcase Emotion and Clarity

Another key to Fantasia Barrino's style is her unmistakable emotional delivery. You'll need to focus on developing your own sense of emotional connection to your music if you want to sing like her. Pay attention to the lyrics of the songs you're singing, and focus on bringing the right emotion to each line. Additionally, work on developing clear diction so your lyrics are always easy to understand, even when you're singing with emotion.

Practice Specific Techniques

One thing that sets Fantasia Barrino's singing style apart is her use of specific techniques to add texture and nuance to her vocals. For example, she often uses vibrato to add a unique quality to her voice - check out the Singing with Vibrato article for guidance if you're not sure how to do this. Additionally, she uses melisma to add extra notes and runs in her songs - try practicing some of her songs that feature melisma to help develop this skill for yourself. To get started, check out Singing Carrots' Song Search tool, which lets you search for specific songs based on difficulty and genre.


If you're serious about learning to sing like Fantasia Barrino, you'll need to focus on developing your power, control, emotion, and clarity. Additionally, work on specific techniques like vibrato and melisma to add texture and nuance to your vocals. Use Singing Carrots' tools and resources to help you along the way, and with dedication and practice, you'll be well on your way to singing like this R&B legend.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.