Singing Guide: Estelle

Singing Guide: Estelle

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Estelle

Estelle is a British singer-songwriter with an impressive vocal range and a distinct soulful style. If you want to learn to sing like her, there are several techniques to keep in mind that will help you develop your own unique style while still staying true to her sound.

Vocal Range

Before beginning to work on singing like Estelle, it is important to know your own vocal range. Use Singing Carrots’ vocal range test to determine your range and compare it to Estelle’s. Knowing your vocal range will help you select the appropriate keys and songs to practice, while staying true to Estelle’s sound.

Breathing and Warm-Up

Remember to breathe correctly when singing, as this will help you to sing with confidence, and maintain support and stability throughout your performance. Singing Carrots’ resources on breathing basics, breath support, and breathing warm-ups can help you develop proper breathing techniques.

Voice Control

Estelle has a soulful style with several "yelps" and "grunts" incorporated into her singing, adding her own flair to her music. A vocal technique known as “growling” is one way to imitate Estelle's unique inflections. Singing Carrots’ growling exercise is an excellent resource that can help you achieve this.


Articulation is the finishing touch to singing like Estelle. As you practice and improve, focus on articulation exercises that can help you stretch your vocal cords and ensure clear delivery of your lyrics during your performance. Estelle’s songs are littered with great examples of this. Two of the most notable songs to practice articulating are “American Boy” and “Thank You.”

Singing With Emotion

Estelle is known for her ability to convey emotions through her singing. It’s important to let yourself feel the words and melody when singing like her. Practice emotional control to be sure your song delivery is genuinely moving.

Sing Along

Practice singing along with Estelle's songs, search Singing Carrots for songs that fit your own vocal range and style. Try pitch accuracy test and vocal range monitor to monitor your pitch and range while singing. You can also take advantage of Singing Carrots’ educational singing courses to improve your skills even further.


To sing like Estelle, you must have a good understanding of your vocal range, proper breathing techniques, vocal control and articulation. You can use the resources on Singing Carrots to improve and imitate Estelle’s distinct sound. Don't forget to practice singing with emotion as it is a crucial part of Estelle’s style. Finally, feel free to experiment with your own sound, as this will help you find your own unique style that will distinguish you in a crowded music industry.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.