Singing Guide: Enterprise

Singing Guide: Enterprise

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning how to sing like an Enterprise can be challenging but rewarding if you stick with it. The Enterprise frontman Steve Perry is known for his impressive vocal range and emotional storytelling, making him a legend in the world of rock and roll.

To start with, one of the best ways to improve your singing skills is to work on your breathing. This article on breathing basics can help you get started. Additionally, this breath support article will provide some helpful tips on how to control your breath while singing.

When it comes to vocals, one of the most important things to consider is your vocal range. This vocal range test can help you determine your range and compare it to famous singers. Steve Perry is known for his impressive range, so working on expanding your own range can be helpful.

Once you have mastered the basics, it's time to work on your technique. One of the most important aspects of singing like Steve Perry is mastering his unique vibrato technique. Check out this video on how to vibrato and try incorporating it into your singing.

Another aspect of Steve Perry's singing to consider is his use of vocal distortion and growling. Practice this technique with this video on vocal distortion and growling and try incorporating it into your singing as you see fit.

Additionally, working on your chest voice and your "mm" and "ng" sounds can also help you sing like Steve Perry. Use this video on chest voice for a better understanding of chest voice and this video on nasality to help reduce nasality in your voice.

Finally, practicing stage presence and emotion is key to capturing Steve Perry's unique style. Check out this video on relaxing breath for tips on calming your nerves and this article on tips for performing on stage for additional advice.

Incorporating these tips and resources from Singing Carrots into your singing practice can help you learn to sing like Steve Perry and take your vocal skills to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.