Singing Guide: Eels

Singing Guide: Eels

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Eels

The band Eels first appeared on the music scene in 1996 with their debut album "Beautiful Freak." E's unique voice and style is a combination of traditional rock, blues, and even folk genres. In this article, we'll take a look into how you can learn to sing like Eels with the aid of some practical advice and resources offered by Singing Carrots.

Vocal Range

Eels' music is a combination of different genres with his traditional rock sound having a touch of blues and soul. You will need to have a strong voice with a decent range to sing like E. Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test can help you determine what your vocal range is and the genre it fits in. Take the test now and get an assessment comparing your vocal range with famous singers.

Vocal Technique Tips

Some of Eels' unique technique that sets him apart is his use of dynamic range and vocal breaks that give an emotional depth to his singing. Here are some tips to help you sing like Eels:

  • Don't strain your voice. Eels has an effortless-sounding voice, and to achieve this you need to learn the correct breathing techniques. Check out Singing Carrots' breath support tips and pitch training.
  • Use open mouth and throat while singing. Labored singing creates tension that strangles your voice. Learn how to open your mouth and throat in Singing Carrots' open mouth and throat article.
  • Get breathing techniques to support breaks. Achieving emotional depth needs control of voice breaks and how to use them. Read Singing Carrots' voice registers and vocal break article.
  • Sing off-pitch and sound good. Eels has been known to sing off-pitch and sound good. Learn how to control pitching errors in pitch control. (source)

Top Eels Songs to Study Vocal Techniques

Practicing with Eels' songs can help enhance your voice. Singing Carrots' song search tool can help you find songs that match your range, difficulty, and preference. Here are some songs by Eels you should practice:

  1. "Novocaine for the Soul." This song is a favorite with a mix of blues and rock genres. Here Eels uses a range of pitch breaks and volumes to convey his message.
  2. "Last Stop This Town." A good song to practice with, Eels leads with his voice, using different vocal techniques to create a range of moods and emotions.
  3. "Fresh Feeling." This song has a laid-back groove that goes perfectly with Eels' singing style.
  4. "It's a Motherfucker." This song is slower and gives you space to employ your vocal technique, such as vibrato and bassy vocals.

Study Eels' Innovative Vocal Techniques with Singing Carrots' Resources

Eels is known for his unconventional vocal techniques like growling, heavy modal, and belting. Singing Carrots' contemporary vocal techniques article may come in handy to help you learn Eels' unconventional styles such as growling. You can also get warm-up exercises for your

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.