Singing Guide: Echoing Angels

Singing Guide: Echoing Angels

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Echoing Angels: Tips To Learn To Sing Like This Contemporary Christian Rock Band

Echoing Angels was an American contemporary Christian rock band from Atlanta, Georgia. The band was active from 2004 to 2010. Its unique style easily made it one of the best contemporary Christian bands in recent years. If you want to learn to sing like Echoing Angels, here are some useful tips to get started.

Vocal Range Test

Before starting any vocal exercises or practice, you must know your voice's range and figure out how high or how low it can go. The vocal range test on Singing Carrots is perfect for this. Take the test and find your vocal range.

Open Mouth and Throat

An open mouth and throat allow you to hit high notes without strain and build power and control in your voice. Learn why it's essential to open your mouth and throat when singing by checking out this article on Singing Carrots.

Breathing Basics

Good breathing forms the foundation of any good singing technique. Check out Breathing Basics for tips on how to breathe right while singing.

Breathing Exercises

Practicing breathing exercises enables you to have better control over your breath while singing, which is crucial to sing like Echoing Angels. Try the Farinelli Breathing exercise for a great start.

Stage Fright

Are you experiencing stage fright? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced singer, this article can help you overcome your stage fright and handle your nerves.


A proper posture during singing enables you to breathe correctly and avoid tension in your neck, back, and shoulders. Check out this article on how proper posture affects your singing.

Unique Vocal Technique of Echoing Angels

Echoing Angels have a unique style, which comes from its lead vocalist, Shannon Cochran. Cochran sings with a higher tenor range, producing a lot of falsetto voice notes. Listen to "You Alone," which starts with a crescendo of Shannon's falsetto in the chorus.

Song Choices

Echoing Angels has entertained us in the past with its soulful and heart-pumping Christian rock. "You Alone" which is an all-time favorite, is a perfect option to learn how to sing like Echoing Angels. "Say What You Believe," "Hallelujah," and "Coming Back Around" are also excellent choices.

Pitch Training

Singing in tune is essential when you want to sing like Echoing Angels. The Pitch training syllabus, which includes video lessons, interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility, can help you improve your pitch accuracy, hitting those high and low notes effortlessly.

Vocal Health

Singing requires a healthy body and care for your vocal cords. Learn healthy habits to maintain optimal vocal health and prevent damage to your voice.

Sing with Emotion

To sing like Echoing Angels, you should learn to sing with emotion. See tips to Sing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking.

The above tips and resources should help you learn to sing like Echoing Angels. Keep practicing every day, and with time, you will make progress.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.