Singing Guide: Dogfight

Singing Guide: Dogfight

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Eddie Birdlace, the leading character in the musical Dogfight, played by Derek Klena, is known for his powerful and emotive voice that can capture any audience’s attention. In this article, we will provide you with useful tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you learn to sing like Eddie Birdlace.

  1. Analyze your voice: Before you start practicing singing, the very first step you need to do is to analyze your voice, determine your vocal range, and learn about your voice type. The Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test can help you get started.
  2. Breath support: Learning proper breath support technique is essential to singing like Eddie Birdlace. Proper breathing can help you sustain notes and attain adequate volume throughout the song. You can find helpful tips for proper breathing in Singing Carrots’ "Breath Support" article.
  3. Voice registers and vocal break: One important aspect of Eddie Birdlace's singing technique is his use of voice registers and vocal break to express different emotions. You can learn how to use vocal registers effectively in Singing Carrots’ "Voice Registers & Vocal Break" article.
  4. Emotion-control/Performing: Eddie Birdlace's singing is enhanced by his ability to express emotions effectively through song. To achieve the same level of emotional expression in your voice, you will need to learn how to control and perform with your voice properly. You can find helpful tips for this in Singing Carrots’ "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" article.
  5. Song choice: Eddie Birdlace sings many different songs in the musical, each one with a unique vocal style and emotion. To learn how to sing like him, it is essential to choose songs that showcase his vocal technique and style. Singing Carrots’ "Search Songs by Vocal Range" tool can help you find the right song for your voice.
  6. Vibrato: Eddie Birdlace's singing is characterized by his ability to use vibrato in a way that adds emotional depth to his voice. You can learn how to add vibrato effectively to your own singing by following the tips provided in Singing Carrots’ "Singing with Vibrato" article.
  7. Performing: Eddie Birdlace's singing is not only about the right vocal technique but also about his ability to perform. To learn how to perform like Eddie Birdlace, Singing Carrots’ "Tips for Performing on Stage" video can provide you with useful advice.

By incorporating these tips and Singing Carrots’ resources into your practice routine, you can learn how to sing like Eddie Birdlace in the musical Dogfight. With effort and dedication, you can achieve the level of vocal prowess that Derek Klena, who plays Eddie Birdlace on Broadway, has attained.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.