Singing Guide: Digital Underground

Singing Guide: Digital Underground

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Digital Underground and Shock G's Unique Vocal Style

Digital Underground was an American hip hop group founded by Shock G and Chopmaster J in California. Their music was marked with the use of humor and satire, unconventional lyrics, and memorable hooks, which made them one of the most popular hip hop groups in the early 1990s. In this guide, we will explore the unique vocal style of Shock G and tips on how to learn to sing like him.

How to Sing Like Shock G

Shock G was known for his unique combination of spoken word and rap, marked by smooth flow and entertaining ad-libs. Additionally, he often used a mixture of voices, from deep and raspy to high-pitched and nasally, to create a diverse sound. To learn how to sing like Shock G, follow these steps:

  • Vocal Warm-Up: Before you start singing, it's essential to warm up your voice. We recommend starting with the Farinelli Breathing Exercise from Singing Carrots. This technique strengthens the diaphragm by filling the lungs with air and helps increase your lung capacity.
  • Breathing Technique: Breathing is fundamental in any singing style. To sing like Shock G, take a deep breath from your diaphragm and let your voice flow with the music's rhythm. Use the Breath Support article from Singing Carrots to improve your breathing and vocal control.
  • Voice Registers: Shock G was known for his ability to switch between different voice registers. It's crucial to learn how to use your voice registers correctly. Study the article on Voice Registers & Vocal Break from Singing Carrots to understand how to apply this technique.
  • Satire and Humor: Shock G's music style featured satire and humor in his lyrics that added an extra layer of entertainment. Embrace humor and satire to add spice to your vocal style. Consider the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article from Singing Carrots to learn more about this technique.
  • Song Selection: Choose songs that showcase the diverse range of styles and voices present in Shock G's music. Consider songs like "Doowutchyalike," "The Humpty Dance," and "Freaks of the Industry." Use Singing Carrot's Song-search feature to select songs that fit your preferred genre, difficulty, and vocal range.
  • Reference Videos: Watch several of Shock G's live performances to learn how he used inflection and vocal style within his music to create a diverse sound. Additionally, reference Singing Carrot's Skill-related Videos section to improve your Twang, Growling, and Vibrato.

Following the steps above and incorporating resources from Singing Carrots, you can learn to sing like Shock G. Remember that, with regular practice, patience, and perseverance, singing like Shock G and developing your style is possible.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.