Singing Guide: Deftones

Singing Guide: Deftones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Deftones is a highly respected alternative metal band known for the unique and expressive singing style of their frontman Chino Moreno. Moreno's powerful, high-pitched voice has become a hallmark of the band's sound over the years. In this article, we'll explore how you can learn to sing like Chino Moreno and capture some of the magic of his vocal style.

One of the key features of Chino's singing is his use of dynamics. He is able to transition smoothly between soft, gentle singing and powerful, soaring vocals within the same song. To achieve this, practising breath control is essential. Start with the Farinelli breathing exercise to get a feel for how your diaphragm works, which is a crucial element of breath control. You can also try the Vocal sustain exercise to improve your breath support for those longer, sustained notes.

Another notable aspect of Chino's singing is his use of falsetto. This skill is especially important if you want to achieve his uniquely high-pitched and ethereal sound. The vocal registers & vocal break article will offer you detailed guidance on how to develop your falsetto, and the Mixed Voice video is an excellent resource if you are looking to master a technique to reach high notes in mixed voice.

The use of vibrato and distortion is another distinctive feature of Chino's singing. Vibrato is a slight variation in pitch and tone that adds depth and texture to your singing. The "Beggars Bounce" and "Diaphragm Bounce" exercises in the Vibrato skill-related videos will help you learn how to produce a vibrato effect in your singing. Additionally, the Vocal Distortion & Growling article provides resources on how to develop harsher, more distorted vocal sounds and the Heavy modal, Twang, Belting article explores contemporary vocal techniques that can help you add more versatility to your sound.

To truly learn how to sing like Chino Moreno, you need to study his songs. Have a careful listen to some of the songs that showcase his unique vocal style, and then practice singing along. You can use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see how accurately you hit notes, and the Pitch Training tool includes vocal warm-ups and exercises that can help you improve your pitching skills. The Singing Carrots Song search tool is a great place to start finding songs appropriate for your vocal range.

Finally, make sure to keep your voice healthy while you are practicing. The Vocal Health article on the Singing Carrots blog offers some great tips on how to maintain good vocal health. This includes warming up, drinking enough water, and avoiding foods and drinks that could irritate your vocal cords.

With these tips and the Singing Carrots resources at your disposal, you'll be singing like Chino Moreno before you know it!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.