Singing Guide: Deee-Lite

Singing Guide: Deee-Lite

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Deee-Lite gained massive popularity in the early 1990s with their hit "Groove Is in the Heart." While Lady Miss Kier's singing style leans heavily toward a traditional post-disco sound, she is more than willing to experiment and push the boundaries of pop music with her ability to blend a variety of influences including soul, funk, and house, to create a unique sound that is both characteristic and diverse.

To learn to sing like Lady Miss Kier, we'll need to examine some specific techniques that make her so distinctive.

  • First, let's explore the importance of rhythm. Lady Miss Kier's voice is often characterized by how it integrates with the rhythmic elements of the song. In "Groove Is in the Heart," Lady Miss Keir's vocal flights of fancy often surprise and delight us as she swings and soars in ways that almost defy explanation, taking risks that most singers wouldn't dare attempt. To emulate Lady Miss Kier's rhythmic sense, begin by tapping out the rhythm of the song and practicing singing along. Gradually build your confidence and develop your unique rhythmic sense.

  • Another key technique to consider is Lady Miss Kier's vocal inflection. In many of her songs, she exhibits a high degree of vocal control, including breathy exhalations, sudden jumps to a higher pitch, or an elongation of syllables that create a distinctive groove. When practicing Lady Miss Kier's style, it can be helpful to focus on the little things she does to give her sound its signature character. One idea is to practice "scooping" up to a note like she does in the song "What is Love?"

  • Lady Miss Kier's vocal stylings also depend on her remarkable range. To get closer to matching Lady Miss Kier's range, take the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test here and explore the range of songs that match your personal vocal type.

  • Finally, Lady Miss Kier often employs a technique known as "melisma," which is the singing of a single syllable of text while moving between several different notes in succession. Learning to use melisma can add an entirely new level of complexity to your singing voice and help you add your own signature style to your covers of an array of songs alike Lady Miss Kier's.

  • To improve your melisma skills and expand your vocal abilities further, you can try the Singing Carrots Pitch Training here to gain agility and increase your range of notes.

The following Singing Carrots resources will help you on your journey towards mastering Lady Miss Kier's unique vocal techniques:

Now, with a greater understanding of Lady Miss Kier's vocal techniques, you can joyously perform her music and strive towards adding your unique flair to your singing voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.