Singing Guide: Decemberadio

Singing Guide: Decemberadio

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like a true rockstar is a challenging, but rewarding experience. For those who have been inspired by the high-energy and soulful performances of Decemberadio, it is worth giving that extra effort to learn their unique techniques that can get you on your way to becoming a rock singer.

When it comes to Decemberadio’s signature style, among the things that stand out the most is the extreme range, the emotional intensity, and the commanding presence that lead singer Josh Reedy brings to their music. If you want to learn to sing like Decemberadio, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Building strength and range

One of the first things to focus on when learning to sing like Decemberadio is to build vocal strength, endurance, and range. For rock performances, it is important to be able to sing both high and low pitches with equal ease, maintain power while controlling the breath, and sustain notes without causing undue strain on the voice.

To build these skills, it is recommended to do regular breathing exercises and practice level changes with a wide range of vocal exercises. Singers can try advanced exercises provided in Pitch Training by Singing Carrots to increase their range and work on challenging notes. Additionally, the Vocal Range Test can help singers identify their vocal range and adjust their practice accordingly.

Emotion and intensity

Decemberadio’s performances are filled with passion and intensity, and their songs demand commanding performances. To sing like Josh Reedy, you’ll also need to put your heart and soul into each word you sing. The ability to feel the mood that music sets and convey it authentically through your voice is crucial.

As a beginner, it can be helpful to try searching for songs that match your vocal range and embody a particular mood or emotion. Practicing with relatable songs can help you channel emotions in your performance and enhance your ability to create an emotional connection with your audience.

Singing Techniques

Decemberadio’s songs reflect various singing techniques like distorted screaming, growling, belting, and highly resonant chest voice. It is important to understand these techniques and practice them before trying to emulate the band's style.

For example, to achieve a distorted singing style, singers can try the exercises provided on Singing Carrots for vocal distortion & growling here. As for chest voice, beginners can start with this video that explains the basics of the chest voice exercise provided on Singing with Confidence.

The Decemberadio Playlist

Here are some Decemberadio songs that showcase Josh Reedy's vocal techniques and can help you learn to sing like Decemberadio:


If you are a passionate singer looking to learn to sing like Decemberadio, preparation is key. Build your range, your emotions, and your techniques to sing with power and command that matches the band's signature style. Try the Singing Carrots resources, sing with feeling, and practice those thrilling high notes. With the right passion and preparation, you'll be well on your way to becoming a rock singer, Decemberadio style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.