Singing Guide: Clannad

Singing Guide: Clannad

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Clannad is an Irish band consisting of siblings Moya Brennan, Ciarán Brennan, Pol Brennan, and their twin uncles Noel and Pádraig Duggan. Their music is known for combining traditional Irish folk with contemporary pop and rock sounds.

Moya Brennan's unique vocal style has been a key ingredient in the band's success, with her ability to convey emotion and tell stories through her singing.

If you want to learn how to sing like Moya Brennan, one of the most important things to understand is the importance of breath control. Proper breathing is essential for good vocal technique. This is covered in detail in the Singing Carrots article about breath support, but I'll summarize some key points here.

You want to breathe from your diaphragm, which is a muscle located between your lungs and your stomach, rather than taking shallow breaths from your chest. To practice this, lay on your back with your hands on your stomach. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and as you do so, feel your stomach rise. Then exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your stomach fall. This is called belly breathing and will help you to control your breath when you sing.

Another useful exercise to improve your breath control is the Farinelli breathing exercise, which is demonstrated in the Skill-related Videos section. This exercise involves taking very rapid, shallow breaths while maintaining control of your diaphragm.

Aside from breath control, another important aspect of Brennan's vocal style is her use of vibrato. Vibrato is a technique where you vary the pitch of a note very slightly, to create a warmer, richer tone. To practice this, you can try the vocal exercise demonstrated in the Skill-related Videos section using the "Beggars Bounce" or "Diaphragm Bounce" techniques.

Finally, one of Brennan's signature techniques is her use of Gaelic language and traditional Irish melodies. Singing Carrots offers a tool where you can search for songs by vocal range, which can help you find songs that suit your voice. You can also browse their Song-book to find traditional Irish songs that you can practice and perform.

In conclusion, to learn to sing like Moya Brennan, it's important to focus on breath control, vibrato and traditional Irish melodies. Use Singing Carrots' educational articles, singing course, and tools to support your practice, and have fun exploring the unique sounds of Clannad's music.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.