Singing Guide: Cissy Houston

Singing Guide: Cissy Houston

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing Like Cissy Houston

Cissy Houston is one of the most influential gospel and soul singers in America and played a pivotal role in shaping R&B music in the 70s and 80s. If you want to learn to sing like Cissy Houston, you need to focus on mastering her technique and style.

Cissy Houston's Singing Techniques

Cissy Houston's singing techniques are often characterized by her:

How to Learn Cissy Houston's Style

1. Breathing Techniques

Cissy Houston's powerful vocals are built on proper breathing techniques. It is essential to develop good breathing habits to fully harness your own voice and personality. The Farinelli breathing exercise on Singing Carrots' Skill-related Videos can help you practice your breathing skills and expand your vocal range.

2. Master the Voice Registers

Focus on perfecting your voice registers. You need to improve your vocal control and pitch accuracy, which can be enhanced through Singing Carrot's Pitch Training. Practice good tongue and larynx positioning to help you transition smoothly between your chest, head, and other voice registers.

3. Develop Smooth Vibrato

Vibrato is one of the significant elements of Cissy Houston's style, and practice is what perfects it. Singing Carrots have a video that teaches you the techniques of Vibrato and how to execute them to perfection Skill-related Videos.

Songs Exhibiting Cissy Houston's Style

To further improve and exhibit Cissy Houston's singing style, you need to listen and practice singing some of her iconic songs, which include:


Cissy Houston's style is unique and has stood the test of time. To learn how to sing like her, you must focus on her techniques and style, practice breathing exercises, improve your vocal control, master voice registers, develop a smooth vibrato. Practice Singing Carrot's unique skill-related videos and consider incorporating her iconic songs into your practice sessions.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.