Singing Guide: Christine Anu

Singing Guide: Christine Anu

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

With a career spanning over 25 years, Christine Anu is an accomplished Australian singer, songwriter, and dancer. Her unique voice and performing style are reflections of her Torres Strait Islander heritage, an inspiration for many Australian artists.

If you want to learn how to sing like Christine Anu, it's important to start by studying her vocal technique. Her singing style is characterized by her use of vibrato, her precision in pitch, and her dynamic control. She incorporates these techniques with ease into her performances, creating a distinctive sound that is all her own.

One example of Christine Anu's vocal technique can be found in her hit song "My Island Home." In this song, she uses her voice to create a haunting melody, starting with a soft and deliberate vocal delivery, before gradually building up to the chorus with a powerful voice. The use of vibrato in "My Island Home" is particularly effective, drawing in the listener and conveying the emotions of the song.

To learn how to sing like Christine Anu, it is essential to practice your breathing technique. Good breathing technique is crucial for any singer, and Christine Anu is no exception. She has demonstrated excellent breath control, which helps her to maintain her signature sound.

To improve your breathing technique, you can try using the Farinelli breathing exercise found in this video. This exercise will help you develop your diaphragm, so it is important to incorporate it into your daily practice routine.

Another important aspect to consider when learning to sing like Christine Anu is the use of your voice registers. Christine Anu uses a mix of both her chest voice and head voice brilliantly to create her unique sound. To learn how to use your chest and head register effectively, take a look at this video.

Last but not least, a good way to improve your singing skills is to practice with relevant tools. The Vocal Range Test provided by Singing Carrots is an excellent resource for singers looking to improve their vocal range, and you can try it out here. You can also use the Pitch Accuracy Test here, and the Vocal Pitch Monitor here to monitor your progress.

If you're looking for a more structured approach, try out Singing Carrots' educational singing course here, comprising 21-lessons covering singing theory and practical tips.

Singing like Christine Anu is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By improving your breathing, learning how to use your registers and practicing with relevant tools, you'll be on your way to developing your own unique singing style in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.