Singing Guide: Cher

Singing Guide: Cher

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Cher

The legendary American singer and actress Cher has been entertaining audiences for over six decades with her distinctive contralto voice. Her unique vocal technique is characterized by her strong vibrato, powerful low notes, and ability to effortlessly switch between her chest and head voice.

To learn how to sing like Cher, first identify your own voice range using our vocal range test. With this knowledge, you can begin to explore the songs in Cher's extensive catalogue that suit your vocal range.

Practicing her songs can help you to emulate her unique vocal style. Cher's hit song "Believe" is a fantastic example of her signature vibrato technique. Singing this song will help you practice vibrato, as well as master the art of transitioning between different vocal registers.

In addition to practicing Cher's songs, use the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test and pitch training exercises to work on pitch accuracy and control. Use the song search tool to find songs that match your desired vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.

Breath control is another important aspect of Cher's vocal technique. Breathing exercises, such as those detailed in Singing Carrot's articles on breathing basics and breath support, can help you to develop the stamina and control you need to hit Cher's powerful low notes.

Lastly, pay attention to Cher's unique vocal expressions and delivery. Singing with emotion and authenticity is key, and Cher is a master of infusing her performances with raw emotion. Our articles on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking and how to find your own authentic voice can help you to connect with both the lyrics of the songs and with your own feelings as you perform them.

Learning to sing like Cher takes time and dedication, but with Singing Carrots' educational resources, including our singing course, you can cultivate the skills needed to emulate her signature singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.