Singing Guide: Champaign

Singing Guide: Champaign

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to sing like Champaign, you should focus on developing a smooth and soulful vocal technique that fits well with R&B music. Champaign's voice is characterized by its warm tone, comfortable low range, and vulnerable lyricism.

To begin, you'll need to determine your vocal range so you can find songs that suit your voice. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine which range you fall in, then search for Champaign songs that fit your range.

Once you've found some songs to work on, you'll want to start practicing your breathing and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots has comprehensive guides on both topics, with tips on how to improve your breathing control and maintain perfect pitch.

Specifically for Champaign's style, it's important to focus on achieving a smooth, soulful vibrato. Singing Carrots' videos on developing vibrato and improving articulation can be very useful here. Practice the singing exercises in these videos to loosen up your voice and help you achieve the proper tone and vocal style.

Another crucial aspect of Champaign's sound is his falsetto. You can practice your falsetto range by doing chest voice exercises then gradually shifting to a lighter voice. Pay attention to your vocal fatigue and make sure to rest your voice when necessary.

Finally, to fully master Champaign's style, you should try to incorporate some of his specific techniques into your singing. Listen carefully to his music, and focus on the way he phrases his lyrics, uses personal expression, and uses vocal ornamentation to add flavor to his songs. Utilize Singing Carrots' educational courses and exercises to further improve your vocal potential, develop your personal style, and achieve vocal mastery like Champaign.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.