Singing Guide: Caedmon's Call

Singing Guide: Caedmon's Call

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal Technique

One of the things that sets Caedmon's Call apart is their intricate harmonies. So, if you want to sound like them, you need to be able to sing in harmony. One way to practice harmony is to sing along with their recordings, paying close attention to the notes you need to sing and the timing of your entrance.

Another important aspect of Caedmon's Call's vocal technique is their use of dynamics. They often sing softly and then build to a crescendo, creating emotional impact in their music. To practice dynamics, start by singing a song softly and then gradually getting louder as you go. This will help you develop control over your volume and help you create a more dynamic performance.


One of Caedmon's Call's most iconic songs is "Table for Two." This song features beautiful harmonies and a melodic guitar riff that will stick with you long after the song is over. "Lead of Love" is another classic Caedmon's Call tune that showcases their poetic lyrics and intricate harmonies.

If you want to learn how to sing like Caedmon's Call, spend some time listening to their music and analyzing their vocal technique. With practice and dedication, you can develop the skills you need to perform their music with confidence.


Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.