Singing Guide: Brian Wilson

Singing Guide: Brian Wilson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson, the legendary singer, songwriter, and producer, is best known for his work with The Beach Boys. His unique vocal technique, arrangements, and use of studio techniques have made him an inspiration for generations of musicians. In this article, we will discuss how to learn to sing like Brian Wilson and highlight some of his famous songs.

Vocal Technique

Brian Wilson's vocal technique was influenced by his love for doo-wop and R&B music. He developed a signature falsetto voice that can be heard prominently in his songs, such as "God Only Knows" and "Don't Worry Baby." To sing like Brian Wilson, you should focus on developing your falsetto voice and working on your breath control. This will help you hit those high notes and sustain them.

Songs to Showcase Brian Wilson's Technique

  • "Good Vibrations": This song is a great example of Brian Wilson's signature vocal technique. The song features an intricate arrangement and showcases his use of falsetto and layered harmonies.
  • "God Only Knows": This song is often cited as one of the greatest songs of all time. The song features a beautiful melody, and Wilson's falsetto vocals add an emotional depth to the song.
  • "Surfer Girl": This song is a classic Beach Boys track and features Wilson's falsetto voice prominently. The song is a great example of Wilson's vocal range and ability to switch seamlessly between his chest voice and falsetto.

Practical Advice

To learn how to sing like Brian Wilson, you need to practice regularly. You should focus on developing your falsetto voice and working on your breath control. Singing exercises can help you improve your vocal range, breath control, and help you sing with more confidence. Singing Carrots offers a great range of exercises and tools to help you improve your singing. The following are some resources you should check out:


Brian Wilson's influence on music is immeasurable, and his vocal technique is one of the main reasons why he is so beloved. To learn how to sing like Brian Wilson, you should focus on developing your falsetto voice and working on your breath control. Singing Carrots offers a range of tools and exercises to help you improve your singing. With practice and dedication, you can learn to sing like Brian Wilson and take your singing to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.