Singing Guide: Boyz II Men

Singing Guide: Boyz II Men

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Boyz II Men is an American R&B vocal group known for their soulful harmonies and emotional ballads. Their music has touched the hearts of millions of listeners worldwide, making them one of the most successful R&B groups of all time. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Boyz II Men, highlighting their unique vocal technique and some of their iconic songs.

One of Boyz II Men's signature vocal techniques is their use of complex harmonies and intricate vocal arrangements. To start learning how to harmonize like them, it's essential to work on developing a good sense of pitch and ear training. Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test is an excellent tool to help you fine-tune your pitch perception and improve your intonation. After mastering the basics, you can try the Pitch Training games, which offer interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualization, and exercises for range and agility. These games can help you practice and develop your harmonization skills.

Another Boyz II Men vocal technique is their use of vibrato. Vibrato is a natural oscillation of the vocal cords that adds warmth and expression to a singer's voice. Singing Carrots' "Singing with Vibrato" article is a comprehensive guide on how to incorporate vibrato into your singing. It covers various types of vibrato, the mechanics behind it, and how to practice and improve your vibrato technique.

Boyz II Men's music is known for its emotional ballads, which showcase their vocal range and control. "I'll Make Love to You," "End of the Road," and "On Bended Knee" are some of their iconic songs that demonstrate their ability to mix different voice registers, add emotional nuances, and create a moving vocal performance.

To master these songs, you will need to work on your breathing technique and develop good breath support. Singing Carrots' "Breathing Basics" article explains how to improve your breathing, which is essential in achieving control, power, and endurance with your voice. Additionally, the "Avoiding Constrictions" article delves into how breath support is critical to avoid tension and constriction in the throat, which can hamper your singing.

Finally, to improve your overall singing skills and learn more about vocal techniques and music theory, the Singing Carrots' 21-lesson Singing Course can be an excellent resource. The lessons are designed for beginners and cover various topics, including posture, warm-ups, pitch, and breathing technique, among others.

By following these tips and utilizing the Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn how to sing like Boyz II Men. With practice and dedication, you can develop your singing skills and create your unique style and expression.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.