Singing Guide: Blossoms

Singing Guide: Blossoms

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Blossoms are an English rock band that have been a hot topic in the British music scene since their formation in 2013. While the band's music is often compared to that of The 1975 and Foals, the Blossoms have a distinct sound that is all their own. Their music is heavily influenced by '80s post-punk and new wave, but with a modern twist.

In order to learn to sing like the members of Blossoms, it's important to focus on specific aspects of their unique vocal technique. The most notable characteristic of their sound is the use of falsetto, which is a singing technique that involves hitting high notes with a lighter, breathier tonality. This technique can be tricky to master, but it is essential for capturing the Blossoms' sound.

To start developing your falsetto, warm up your voice with these basic exercises:

  • The lip-roll: Close your lips together and blow air out as if you were blowing a raspberry. Keep the airflow steady and even. Experiment with different pitches to help open up your range.
  • The hum: Hum a simple tune, starting with a low pitch and gradually moving up the scale. Focus on keeping your tone light and relaxed.
  • The octave slide: Start at the bottom of your range and slide up to the top of your falsetto range. As you get higher, focus on keeping your tone light and breathy.

One of Blossoms' most distinctive songs is "Charlemagne," which features falsetto vocals in the chorus. Another great Blossoms song to practice falsetto technique is "My Favourite Room," which features a strong falsetto chorus and dreamy, atmospheric verses.

In addition to working on falsetto, it's important to practice good breath support and posture. Singing Carrots has many resources to help improve your singing technique, such as breathing exercises, vocal warm-ups, and posture tips. The following Singing carrots resources can help enhance your blossoms-like singing:

To perfect your blossom-like singing, listening to live recordings of the band can also help you in developing your tone and vocal style. By studying the nuances of their live performances, you can see how they manipulate their sound and how they use their instrument (voice) to create the best possible sound.

Overall, by focusing on developing your falsetto, mastering your posture and breathing, and practicing vocal warm-ups, you can start to learn to sing more like the members of Blossoms. Keep in mind, however, that developing your own unique style and voice is just as important as learning how to emulate someone else's style. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.