Singing Guide: Blackhawk

Singing Guide: Blackhawk

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like one of the most influential country bands of the 90s, then you can't go wrong with Blackhawk. With three-part harmonies and a blend of traditional and contemporary sounds, Blackhawk has topped the charts with multiple hits. Here are some tips to help you learn to sing like Blackhawk:

  • Identify Your Voice Type: Blackhawk's music features a unique vocal blend, so it's helpful to identify your vocal range before starting. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test which allows you to measure your voice type compared to some of the most famous singers.
  • Breath Support: Breath support is crucial in Blackhawk's music. Without proper breath support, you won't be able to sing with the necessary power and control. The Singing Carrots' article on Breath support provides essential guidelines on how to achieve proper breath control.
  • Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks: Learning how to move smoothly between different voice registers is essential in Blackhawk's music. The Voice Registers & Vocal Break article explains the different voice registers and how to work on them.
  • Harmonies: Blackhawk features unique three-part harmonies, so it's critical to learn how to blend different vocal parts. The Chest Voice Explained video demonstrates how to sing in chest voice, which is an essential part of creating strong harmonies.
  • Vocal Cover: One way to learn the unique vocal techniques of Blackhawk is to try to replicate their music. The How to Learn a Song Effectively article provides valuable tips on how to learn a new song effectively.
  • Emotion: Blackhawk's music often has a lot of emotional depth, and it's essential to connect with the emotions of each song. The Emotion-control/Performing video demonstrates how to use breath and relaxation techniques to control and channel strong emotions while singing.
  • Unique Vocals: Finally, Blackhawk's songs showcase unique vocal techniques specific to their music. The song "Postmarked Birmingham" showcases Van Stephenson's ability to sing in a higher range, while "Goodbye Says It All" highlights Henry Paul's slightly raspy vocals. A great way to learn the unique singing techniques of Blackhawk is to study their music carefully.

Singing Carrots' Resources

Singing Carrots offers several valuable resources that can help you learn to sing like Blackhawk:

By utilizing these Singing Carrots resources in combination with the Blackhawk-specific tips listed above, you can effectively learn to sing like Blackhawk and develop your vocal skills to their fullest potential.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.