Singing Guide: Birdy

Singing Guide: Birdy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Birdy

Birdy is a singer known for her soft, sultry voice and thoughtful, emotional performances. If you'd like to learn to sing like Birdy, here are some tips:

1. Master your breathing

Good breath control is key to singing well, and Birdy is known for her long sustained notes. Build up your breath control with these Singing Carrots resources:

2. Learn to control your dynamics

Birdy often sings softly, then builds to a powerful climax. You'll need good control over your dynamics to achieve this effect. These resources will help:

3. Mind your posture

Good posture is essential for good breath control and a good performance. Pay attention to your posture with these resources:

4. Sing Birdy's popular songs

Birdy has a distinctive style that comes out in all of her songs, but here are three of her most popular that showcase her unique vocal abilities:

Use the Search songs by vocal range tool on Singing Carrots to find more songs by Birdy or other artists that match your vocal range and style.

With practice and determination, you can develop a singing style that's uniquely yours, just like Birdy.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.