Singing Guide: Bardot

Singing Guide: Bardot

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Bardot, the French ‘sex kitten,' was the quintessential embodiment of feminine allure and grace. Her voice is known for its soft and breathy quality, almost child-like. Bardot is not seen as a virtuosic singer; nevertheless, her vocal style became an essential part of her mystique.

To sing like Bardot, try to imitate her child-like tone, emphasizing the breathiness. She sings very gently, with a soft tone and very little effort. Singing through the mask (the area between your nose and mouth) will help achieve her soft sound.

A good place to start is to figure out your vocal range with Singing Carrots' vocal range test. Once you know your range, you can proceed to choose the Songbook's songs that highlight your voice's sweet spot. Singing Carrots' song search will help you identify Bardot's discography with songs that resonate with her voice and style.

Breathing exercises help build breath control, which is essential for Bardot's style. The Farinelli Breathing is a great way to start. The breathing should be slow, controlled, and from the diaphragm. You can then proceed to Singing Carrots' pitch training to improve pitch accuracy through vocal warm-ups.

To develop Bardot's breathy voice technique, a weightless "Twang" and "Vibrato" exercises can come in handy. These exercises are available on Singing Carrots' twang and vibrato videos.

To learn more about nasality and soft palate articulation for Bardot-like resonance, Singing Carrots' articulation exercises are recommended. For stage performance, use the Relaxing Breath video for emotional control.

In conclusion, to sing like Brigitte Bardot, focus on achieving a gentle and breathy tone by singing through the mask, singing softly with very little effort, and using Singing Carrots' resources for developing breath control, pitch accuracy, and resonance.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.