Singing Guide: Avant

Singing Guide: Avant

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Avant's smooth sounding R&B tunes has made him the favorite of many music lovers.

How to Sing Like Avant

1. Understand Your Voice Type

The first step to singing like Avant is to identify your voice type, which can be either soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, or bass. Knowing your voice type will help you select the correct pitch of the song that best suits your voice.

Refer to Singing Carrots' Voice Types article.

2. Warm-up Exercises

Warm-up exercises improve your vocal range, set your vocal cords free, and help you sing smoothly. Singing Carrots has Pitch Training Exercises, which include breathing, intonation, and other types of vocal warm-ups.

Start your warm-up routine with the Twang Exercise and the Sustain Vocal exercise, and follow up with Finger Bite.

3. Breathing Techniques

Successful singing requires effective breathing. Avant uses a breathing technique called active breathing which requires creating a sustained, steady stream of air instead of short staccato bursts.

Refer to the Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics and the Breath Support articles to master the art of breathing techniques used by Avant.

4. Finding Your Authentic Voice

One of the essential aspects of singing like Avant is finding your unique style and sound. Another important factor is staying true to yourself and singing from the heart.

The Singing Carrots' How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice article will help you explore your vocal style and unleash your potential.

5. Open Mouth and Throat While Singing

Avant's smooth and effortless voice is achieved by opening his mouth and throat when singing. The Singing Carrots' Open Mouth & Throat article explains how these techniques can be useful in achieving a great singing voice.

6. Singing with Emotion & Thinking

While singing like Avant, it's important to note that you have to put emotions into your singing. This creates a connection between you and your audience, making them feel what you're feeling. The Singing Carrots' Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article explores this concept in more detail.

7. Practice, Practice, Practice

You need to put in practice time to become an incredible singer like Avant. Make some time to get better at singing. Singing Carrots have Song Search where you can find songs that fit your voice range.

8. Songs to Showcase Avant’s Unique Vocal Style

To fully appreciate the vocal techniques used by Avant, you should learn and practice singing along to some of his hit songs. Here are some Avant songs to get you started:

  • "Separated"
  • "Read Your Mind"
  • "My First Love"

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.