Singing Guide: Ashanti

Singing Guide: Ashanti

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ashanti is a gifted R&B singer known for her soulful and sultry vocals. Her voice has a special quality, complemented by her impressive skills in creating harmonies.

To learn singing like Ashanti, you'll need to master a variety of techniques and hone your ear for melody and harmony. Here are some tips to get you started on your journey:

  • Find your range with the Singing Carrots Vocal range test: start by determining your vocal range on Singing Carrots. Ashanti often sings in the mezzo-soprano range, so listen to her songs to find the best range for your voice.
  • Breathing basics: Ashanti's vocals often involve a great deal of breath control. Learn the basics of active and passive breathing with Singing Carrots's breathing basics article.
  • Mastering pitch accuracy: Ashanti frequently uses intricate harmonies in her singing, so you'll need to work on your pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots has an interactive pitch accuracy test with simple melodies to sing along.
  • Open mouth & throat: To achieve Ashanti's full, rich voice, you'll need to focus on opening up your mouth and throat. Learn about this technique and how to do it correctly from this Singing Carrots blog post.
  • Articulation: Ashanti's enunciation and pronunciation are distinctive. Practice your own articulation by following the tips in this Singing Carrots blog post.
  • Vocal health: Singing is tough on your voice, so you need to take care of your vocal health. Learn how to prevent damage and maintain healthy habits while singing with this Singing Carrots' blog post.
  • Learn from Ashanti's hits: Some of Ashanti's most famous songs include "Foolish", "Rain on Me", and "Happy". Listen closely and try to mimic the phrasing, style, and overall vocal quality.

By following these tips, and practicing consistently, you can develop your own soulful and expressive singing voice, similar to Ashanti. And don't forget to check out Singing Carrots' Pitch Training, Vocal Pitch Monitor, and Song search for targeted exercises and further practice.

Remember, learning to sing like Ashanti takes time and practice. Never give up, and keep working hard to become the best singer you can be!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.