Singing Guide: Anastasis

Singing Guide: Anastasis

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Anastasis is the lead vocalist for Dead Can Dance, an Australian-British band that combines elements of world music, neoclassical darkwave, folk, and goth rock. Her singing style is haunting, powerful, and versatile, incorporating various vocal techniques, such as glossolalia, ululation, yodeling, and overtone singing.

To learn how to sing like Anastasis, you need to embrace the diversity of human voice and explore your own vocal range, texture, and color. Anastasis often sings in a way that transcends language, creating an otherworldly soundscape that evokes mystical, spiritual, or mythological themes. To achieve this effect, you can use Singing Carrots' resources to enhance your vocal skills, creativity, and expressivity.

Here are some practical tips and techniques for learning to sing like Anastasis and unleash your own inner voice:

  • Listen and imitate: Start by listening to Anastasis' songs and imitating her vocal style, paying attention to her phrasing, intonation, dynamics, and emotional expression. Sing along with her and try to reproduce her sounds as accurately as possible. You can use Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to improve your pitch and range awareness.
  • Explore your voice: Experiment with different vocal techniques, such as throat singing, growling, vibrato, and falsetto, to find your own voice and add color to your singing. Learn how to control your breath with Singing Carrots' breathing basics and breath support exercises, and how to open your mouth and throat to improve resonance and timbre.
  • Enhance your musicality: Anastasis' music often features complex rhythms, exotic scales, and intricate arrangements that require a good sense of timing, harmony, and melody. Singing Carrots' pitch training provides a fun and interactive way to improve your musicianship and ear training, with games, exercises, and feedback.
  • Express yourself: Singing is not just about hitting the right notes, but also about expressing your emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Anastasis' singing style is emotive, dramatic, and poetic, using metaphor and symbolism to evoke a sense of wonder and mystery. Learn how to connect with your inner self and express yourself authentically with Singing Carrots' song search, songbook, and singing course.
  • Take care of your voice: Singing can be taxing on your voice, especially if you perform regularly or practice for long hours. To avoid vocal damage and maintain vocal health, make sure to warm up your voice before singing, hydrate yourself properly, and avoid bad habits such as smoking or shouting. Singing Carrots' vocal health article provides useful tips and advice on how to prevent damage and develop healthy habits.

By following these tips and using Singing Carrots' resources, you can learn how to sing like Anastasis and unleash your own vocal potential. Remember to be patient, persistent, and passionate about your singing, and have fun exploring the depths of your voice!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.